He Watches

Psalm 121:1–4 (NLT) I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! 3 He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. 4 Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

Psalm 121 is a source of incredible comfort. The Psalmist going to Jerusalem to a worship celebration is reminded that their God is not some god of the hills or some god of the sun or moon. He's the God who made all of it and owns all of it and is over all of it.

Yet He is the God who WATCHES out for you. Six times in 7 verses the words, "keep watch" appear as the consistent activity of God over His people. When you are devoted to God, remember He's devoted to you. 

The protective care of God is something I have witnessed for much of my life. I was once driving too fast in hazardous conditions on the highway. My car hydroplaned with several cars around it, spun around and through the traffic slammed into the guardrail and ended up on the median 180 degrees backwards. I cannot tell you how it all worked but basically I hit no one else, the car suffered only minor (relatively unnoticeable) damage to the front bumper and I was perfectly fine. To this day I give thanks to the God who watches.

We tend to think God is watching us to see if we mess up. Who gives us that image? Not God! Not the Bible! No, that comes from the enemy who stands and accuses us day and night. Satan would love nothing more than for you to believe God is out to get you. Friend, God is out to save you. He didn't spare His only begotten Son to reach you. He is interested in you. He is the one who made you and formed you. Do not let the enemy skew your vision of the Lord of Heaven.

He's protector and guide who keeps us in the way. He's watching us to make sure we don't! Verse 3 declares, "He will not let you stumble." 

Look to HIM, not the hills.
He's watching out for you.


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