Nothing Else

Psalm 119:96 (NLT) Even perfection has its limits, but your commands have no limit.

This is a profound verse. The Psalmist picks up the Theme of Ecclesiastes here to plainly state: no matter how far in life you get, without God's Truth, you're empty. Even perfection has it's limits. Wow.

How many celebrities do we have to see kill themselves before we realize the truth of this statement?
How many more suicides of those who seem to have made it?

We have a celebrity in the Bible who tried everything. His name was Solomon. He tried to appease every appetite of his heart and concluded it was all vanity.

The system of this world sells us on what will "make us happier, better, more secure." And we chase like everyone else. And no matter how far we get, we are trained by a constant barrage of commercialization that something else will make our lives better. 

Paul said, 1 Timothy 6:6 (NLT) true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.
To be "godly" in this passage refers to "awesome respect accorded to God"

Many fail to respect God properly. Because sometimes you don't come to respect God until you fail in every other endeavor and see it for the false hope it really is. Then the value and worth of God are immense and magnified as you come to know the One who made you and formed you.

Nothing else satisfies. Everything else has limits.

The funny thing is, we aren't suppose to reject other things. They are to be used, enjoyed and advanced and manipulated to do life better and faster and more productively while at the same time caring for creation and people. But we must never make any one thing the ultimate thing of our existence. They have their limits.

In that same chapter of 1 Timothy, Paul admonishes us to enjoy the good things God gives...
1 Timothy 6:17 (ESV) As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Enough of hollow asceticism! It's not God's plan. We are to love Him and enjoy His gifts to us in His way, in harmony with His standards. When we do this, we won't mind the limits of other things, because we are living according to a limitless God!


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