When the Gospel Meets Our Sin

A woman is brought to Jesus caught in the act.

Where is her partner who should be stoned with her?
Where is her husband?
Where is "his" wife?

All great questions.
All troublesome realities in a messy and disastrous situation.
What's worse is that this woman simply served the part of a pawn in their plot to discredit the power and authority of Jesus.

Jesus on trial:
If He agrees with the law, He's in trouble with Rome.
If He lets her off the hook, He's in trouble with the Law.

What does Jesus do?
He tells them whoever doesn't have sin can cast the first stone.

The funny thing is - He was the only one that day who could have cast a stone. And yet He doesn't. But He doesn't just let her off the hook either.

Jesus was neither a legalist or a liberalist. He was savior, redeemer, friend, and Lord in one simple statement...

John 8:10–11 (ESV) Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

No sentence more adequately exemplifies John's assertion that Jesus was FULL of grace AND truth.

GRACE: Notice who goes on trial here... not the woman or her "partner" wherever he mysteriously disappeared to... No, they have come to put Jesus on trial with trumped up charges that will prove hollow (John is foreshadowing big time here). The grace is Jesus takes the abuse when she is the guilty party.

TRUTH: He was true in regards to the law. She could have been stoned, she should have died for her sin.

GRACE: Just as He did with Adam and Eve, Jesus (God the Son) spared her from the curse of sin. He stepped in and offered advocacy between the righteousness of the Father and her disgrace. He refused to condemn her.

TRUTH: She could not leave this moment the same way. She could not go back to her life of sin. No, Jesus has just intervened in her life, how could she ever misuse that kind of mercy!? She must GO and leave her life of sin.

This is the Gospel.
Adam and Eve should have died the moment they ate the fruit. But the Lord intervened and gave them grace and truth on how to live from then on.
This woman should have died but Jesus intervened, He would pay for her sin as well, but He gives her a new law to live by from then on.

This is the Gospel.
God sent Jesus to intervene for you, to take your place and bear your punishment. You cannot truly recognize that for what it is and live the same. Truth will expose you, Grace will spare you, and Truth will now lead you forward.

Go... in grace and sin no more.

Thank You Father for forgiveness first. Thank You for the justification by faith accomplished for me in Christ Jesus Your Son. Help me walk differently by the Power of your Grace and the Word of Your Truth. I never want to go back from where You found me and saved me. Amen


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