One Thing I Know

Your testimony doesn't have to be very complicated. It simply has to be clear, Simple, and pointed out what Jesus has done for you.

In John 9 a man born blind is suddenly healed miraculously by Jesus. This of course angers the religious leaders of the day because Jesus healed the Sabbath. They call him in to testify he tells them what Jesus done. They aren't content so they call his parents and they testify that he is their son was born blind.

They call him in a second time and here's what it says:
John 9:24–25 (ESV) So for the second time they called the man who had been blind and said to him, “Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner.” 25 He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

The Bible has a few good "One thing" statements:

  • Jesus in talking with Mary and Martha, says to an overly committed Martha: "One thing is necessary." (Luke 10:42)
  • Paul in speaking about his past and new life in Christ says, "One thing I do, forgetting what is behind I press forward." (Philippians 3:13)

Here this man makes a statement about ONE THING he is absolutely sure of... "I was blind but now I see." Instead of getting into a war of words, he simply shares what he knows to be true about his life before Christ and now after Christ.

What if we all did that more often? Instead of falling into the trap of arguing and fighting, instead of getting upset at those out to destroy Christianity or faith altogether, instead of letting our emotions get the better of us by feeling the need to contend for Christ's reputation... what if we simply committed our lives to never forgetting what Christ has done for us? What if we never lost sight of the ONE THING we are sure of?

Sometimes we forget this most important facet of our faith. Our job is to be "witnesses". A witness is called to the stand to simply share what he has seen and heard. He doesn't have to argue the law, he doesn't have to dissect the opposition. He doesn't have to be that great of an orator. He simply shares the events he is most familiar with. 

I think that sometimes we get caught up in non-essential arguments because we are forgetful of the grace shown us in Christ. That ONE THING is the ONE DIFFERENCE that no one can argue away. It's forever and permanent. I was someone else. Christ made me new.

Help me Father share the good things you have done for me instead of dwelling on the bad things others may do to me. Your good thing outweighs their bad thing. And I'm forever grateful. Amen.


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