Jesus Wants Us to Act

God responds to faith.

Sometimes we are so busy waiting for Him to do something for us or on our behalf when I believe He's waiting to honor an act of faith from us! At the last supper, Jesus spent a good deal of time imploring the disciples to act. It's almost as if He wanted to make absolutely sure they didn't for a second think this movement was about sitting in a church waiting to go to heaven:

John 14:12–14 (ESV) “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

Look at these promises!

Do greater works than Jesus?
Whatever we ask?
If we ask in His name He will do it?

God wants to move in your life.

I'll say that again.

God, the Almighty creator of the universe... wants to move in YOUR life.

Why do we so often settle for so much less? Why don't we get that Jesus went to the cross for much more than a simple break during the weak where we come to a church, sing some songs and hear a message. Jesus went to the cross to release the power of God in your life!  You can and should expect Him to show up in a big way! It's time to believe it.

He opens with the words, "Truly truly" - which can be translated, "Amen Amen." We think of Amen as the end of a prayer. To Jesus it's a promise of answered prayer.  He is able for all things and we should expect Him to move.

Perhaps our stagnation is why the world sometimes fails to take notice of our Lord. We sometimes do the work of Jesus a disservice when we stop praying and asking and expecting. I think we need to raise the bar of our belief and start thinking along His lines rather than our own.

God responds to faith.
And sometimes, that's all we need to say... so that we can start doing something with it.

Father, forgive me for stupidly acting like You don't want to move in my life at times. Help me to believe like I never have before. Help my faith to grow stronger not weaker as I grow older. Help me never to lose the wonder of being saved and set apart by Your grace. Amen.


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