When the Wicked Rule

Psalm 58 is written by David about the corrupt leadership of Saul who nearing the end had used his position for his personal hunt (of David) and gathered "yes-men" around him who simply served him to get what they could before the time was up.

Psalm 58 is an attack on Godless leadership of a country. I love the Message translation:

Psalm 58:1–2 (The Message) Is this any way to run a country? Is there an honest politician in the house? 2 Behind the scenes you brew cauldrons of evil, behind closed doors you make deals with demons.

Godly leadership begins with seeing the evil that often finds refuge in ungodly leadership. Why do nations rise and fall? People with wicked hearts run them into the ground. No man-made leadership will ever truly last. God alone rules supreme and rightly. The result of Saul's wicked leadership is a case study for nations in history. Government eventually goes the way of the corrupted soul because man is corrupted apart from the Grace of God.

Godly leadership understands it is not about their position. The people deserve a God fearing King.

David is certain however that wicked leadership will not last. This is his confidence in the midst of running from Saul David knows God reigns supreme and will bring justice to the people. Sometimes Christians may feel the same under godless leadership in countries ruled by tyrants. Our understanding of God's sovereignty is the firm foundation of our hope.

Thankfully, we have a God-fearing king in Jesus. He is the one who gives all for the sake of His people. He is the one who sees the sheep without a shepherd and then lays down His life for them. Why is He fit to rule over all Creation? Because He genuinely loves it, not only with Word, but with action and compassion.

David foresees God's ultimate redemption of His people from the wicked rulers of the Earth:

Psalm 58:11 (The Message) Everyone cheering, “It’s worth it to play by the rules! God’s handing out trophies and tending the earth!”

No matter who is in charge, God is above them all. And we can take hope in that.


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