A Name for Who?

Psalm 60 was written by David during an interesting moment in his life. He is leading the Israelites in many successive victories and gaining a reputation. Here's the contextual verse:

2 Samuel 8:13 (ESV) And David made a name for himself when he returned from striking down 18,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

David was fighting well in the North. However, during this time the southern area of the kingdom was getting heavily attacked and losing badly. This Psalm was written in response.

Whenever you see someone making a name for himself or "themselves" in Scripture, things go poorly. Even here in Psalm 60, David seems to acknowledge the Lord bringing destruction on his armies in the south...

Psalm 60:1–2 (ESV) O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; oh, restore us. 2 You have made the land to quake; you have torn it open; repair its breaches, for it totters.

Have you ever wondered why God isn't a fan of us making a name for ourselves? It is because we aren't created to do that. We are created to name other things. Adam's first job was to name the animals, it was part of his creative calling in God to delegate and enunciate the way of the Earth. After the fall, Adam names Eve as the mother of all the living and she soon after conceives and bears two sons.

God renames constantly in the scriptures to denote for people a new and higher calling. Jesus does this for Peter and ultimately Saul becomes Paul later on. Jesus was given His name by the angel and ultimately by God (see Hebrew 1:4). Names are important. Names are from God. And your name isn't your job... let God give you the name He wants you to have.

To be formed for His purpose is to be used for His purpose. God has a name for you. You don't need to make one yourself.


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