Proof of God

Psalm 53 is a powerful proof for the existence of God.

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one. (Psalm 53:1-3 ESV)

Notice how he opens by saying the fool says there is no God and then immediately looks upon the evil and wickedness of mankind. Why? What does the evil of mankind have to do with the existence of God?

Here's why. He looks upon the evil and acknowledges that is not right. In a stunning reversal of argument, he actually uses the evil of mankind to prove there is a God. Stunning because most people blame God for the evil selfish decisions of mankind against ourselves. Inwardly we are certain life is not as it should be and for this Psalmist at least, that sense within takes this as proof of God.

If there is no God, then where does our moral sense come from? And what gives us the understanding of what is and what is not good? What gives us the right to say Hitler was wrong? Where does inspiration come from when we see selflessness and sacrifice? How do we even begin to define love if we are simply chemicals? Do not these things originate from from the ultimate loving, selfless, sacrificial hero - Jesus Christ?

There is an inward Divinely-oriented sense that human life has value and injustice must be corrected. Otherwise it is truly survival of fittest and may the best species win. 

For the Psalmist there can be no doubt that the evil we see in mankind is derived from the broken image of God that looks upon the activities of mankind and believes it needs to change. That God is above us and perfect in judgment and righteousness. So let us not neglect Him or blame Him. Let us look to Him for help.

We need it.


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