Apostatize From This World

I can't think of a better way to begin a New Year than with this passage from Exodus.

Exodus 3:3–4 (ESV) And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.” 4 When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”

I've always been reminded of this little fact in Exodus 3. God shows up in the bush but does not speak to Moses until He sees that Moses turns aside to see what's going on. Moses made a turn that truly changed his world.

The word in Hebrew for "turned aside" used twice in this passage means "to depart" and is used of Samson when he did not know the Lord had "departed" from him. It can also be used to infer apostasy which will later happen in Israel's leaders. The evident implication of this word is that of strong and complete redirection of one's attentions and affections.

And Moses here redirects his attentions from sheep in the wilderness to a burning bush that would change his life. 

I think that God shows up in many ways to many people who never take the time to turn aside and see. No, I'm not advocating pantheism or some kind of metaphysical deism. God is not in the "rocks" so to speak. But God does do things to get our attention throughout our lives: conversations, dreams, invitations to church, a Bible passage we hear preached or sung, etc. Even the beauty of creation can direct our hearts toward the knowledge of Him. 

I wonder what would happen if we took the time to turn aside and redirect our lives for what He has to say to us through His Word. If you really want change in this new year, turn aside from what's occupying you and let God's presence become an occupying force in your world. A Word from God can change the course of your future if you take the time to apostatize from this worldly system and give your attention to Him.

What is interesting is the word for bush used here specifically refers to a thorn bush. It is in the thorn bush that God's Son Jesus makes this Theophany (a pre-incarnate appearance) to Moses. Moses sees not just a physical burning bush but the Lord in the midst of a fire and thorns. This Lord that will lead Moses into 40 years of struggle for the deliverance of God's people will be the same Lord who will struggle for the ultimate deliverance of all whom God calls. The Lord does not simply tell Moses what to do. He shows Moses what He's like. He is the Lord who suffers for our deliverance and redemption. He is the Lord who loves us enough to die for us.

That is what changes our hearts.


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