5 Excuses God Will Not Accept From You - Part 1

I want to take two posts to look at the excuses of Moses when he is called by God to go to Pharaoh. We can understand the apprehension of a man who ran from Egypt in dismay of being caught with literal blood on his hands. So as the excuses begin to flow from Moses' mouth, the answers God gives him are symbolic lessons for any of us who would seek to escape the purpose and plan of God for our lives.

Excuse #1: "Who am I?"
Exodus 3:11 (ESV) But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

Our tendency is to look at what we bring to the table when God asks us to step up and step out. We want to see the potential in us. The hard truth is God is not Tony Robbins. God's answer to Moses has nothing to do with what Moses brings to the table, it is all about what God brings to the table. "I will be with you" is His answer. Who God is is always enough for whomever God will use. There is no place God can call you where His fullness cannot or will not be enough for you. Stop looking within, and start trusting in Him!

Excuse #2: "I don't know enough about God."
Exodus 3:13–14 (ESV) Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ”

A name in the Old Testament reflected one's character and being. Moses is being straight with God. "I don't even know what you're like. How can I speak for you?" This is often our excuse for not speaking about God to others or stepping up to serve in ministry. We have this undermining reason in the back of our minds saying we don't know enough. The funny thing is, when will we ever know enough about God???

God's answer? I will be who I will be. I never change. God's immutable character means that we may misrepresent or misunderstand Him at times, but that does not change Who He is and what He will do. This is how we learn. We learn on the job! We engage with God through our life experiences and His Word, reprogramming what we think or expect Him to be with who He always has been and ever will be. 

Excuse #3: "What if they reject me?"
This is summed up in Exodus 4:1 (ESV) Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’”

This is often the excuse of many Christians. What if I try and fail? The answer is you will fail. The people did reject Moses, on more than one occasion. He was backstabbed, betrayed and the first few moments in ministry were an utter failure as it only got worse for Israel in the beginning.

But God's answer is incredible. I never saw this before. He tells Moses to cast his staff on the ground and it becomes a snake. He tells Moses to pick it up and it becomes a staff. Then He has Moses put his hand in his coat and it's leprous. Then He commands him to take it out and it's restored. Then God says:
Exodus 4:8–9 (ESV) “If they will not believe you,” God said, “or listen to the first sign, they may believe the latter sign. 9 If they will not believe even these two signs or listen to your voice, you shall take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground, and the water that you shall take from the Nile will become blood on the dry ground.”

Notice the words from God, "If they will not believe you... if they will not believe even these two signs..." It's as if God is letting the cat out of the bag here. He's preparing Moses to fail with the people in the beginning. But God is also reassuring Moses that no matter how many times he may fail, His God has another powerful work "up his sleeve" so to speak. Isn't that incredible hope for those of us who've tried and fallen flat on our faces?  

These excuses are so common to us. There is not a person alive who cannot relate to Moses in this text. But the point is not to simply relate to Moses' intrepidation. The point is to hear God's answer! He's enough, He will be Himself, and He's got more power than you realize. 

Step up and serve in Jesus' mighty name.


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