The End

390 days ago I set out on a journey to read and journal on the Bible's New Testament chapter by chapter to deepen my time with the Lord each day. I have come to the end of my journey through the New Testament. 

It has been wonderful. 

Of course, Revelation was a challenge. 

We come to the last verse: 
Revelation 22:21 (ESV) The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.

Grace.  That's how the Bible ends.

What a strange way to end this book filled with judgments, thunders, dragons, blood, famine, pestilence and death. Grace? Now? Why? The hardest book in the New Testament brings us through some tough reading and some harsh realities. The purification and renewal of all things is going to be a terrifying reality.

But the end brings us back to grace.

I think about how much GRACE we all really need. Justice will be done, but GRACE is on the table. 

We are to be warned - yes. Our God is absolutely holy and just and evil will be dealt with. But God the Holy Spirit inspires John to pen one last prayer for grace. Can we behold God without it? Can we read this Word apart from His grace? Who are we but for grace?

In the final analysis, there's no better ending to this book. For the study of God's word does not really end. We always find more. So of course grace is a fitting last word.  Because grace IS NOT an end. Grace is a new beginning. Today is today because you have been given grace. What are you doing with it? Somewhere it says "His mercies are new every morning." Don't receive that gift in vain. The Lord's heart for you is newness of life and a past wiped clean.

What a God we serve!



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