God is "Strangely" In Control

Listen to this verse and see if it doesn't make you think for a few moments about the Sovereignty of God in a fresh way:
Revelation 9:15 (ESV) So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind.

God releases four angels who then issue 200,000,000 troops to destroy 1/3 of mankind. In the exact HOUR, day and month for which they had been prepared. A terrible force that would level humanity is serious business to God. So serious, in fact, He prepared and planned the exact moment for which it was to happen.

So God's sovereign control the history of the world comes to new life. Whatever it is, no matter how bad it may seem, how horrible it may feel, how devastating it leaves you, it is not outside of the purposes of God.

I'm not saying God plans evil for you. Revelation 9:15 is judgment upon a people who will refuse to listen to Him and worship the created things, the beast and false prophet. But I am saying that all that happens in our lives is not without His notice and even the difficult parts of our existence fall under the umbrella of His objective concern for your life and His creation.

In other words, it's not just an accident or coincidence or a freak of nature. God plans, prepares, and executes accordingly. If you're going to believe that about the good in your life, you have to start accepting it about the bad.

Jesus waits 2 days to go to Lazarus.
The Church must wait until the Holy Spirit comes 50 days after Jesus rises.
Paul is held back by the Holy Spirit to go into Asia for a few chapters in Acts.
Jezebel taunts the righteous prophet Elijah and God allows it.
The Cross was prepared for our Lord from the foundation of the world.
And sometimes your darkest moments leave you feeling like God is absent or at least forgetful.

But He's not.

As hard as it can be to believe this, God is fully aware and fully engaged in the process of redemption and renewal of His Creation. Sometimes that means He had to schedule a few refining elements for your world. Painful they may be, but they are never un-planned.

So you can look at your pain as if it's a problem or you can believe it is attached to His purpose.

In the end of the chapter, after the apocalyptic dust settles, mankind refuses to repent:
Revelation 9:20–21 (ESV) The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, 21 nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Not everything God does brings a good resolve. Sometimes it brings more animosity and hostility toward Him. But His fire always reveals what's already in our hearts.

What will it reveal in yours?

Confession, repentance, return to Him, renewal of our first love?

Those are great starts.



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