
Revelation 22:10–11 (ESV) And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. 11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”

This is a strange verse in the last chapter of the Bible. 

It is not saying we should just continue in evil. No. That would be to miss the entire message of the Bible! It is referring to the time of Christ's return. That Christ will return so quickly, there will be no chance for repentance and change.

The funny thing about Christ's return is simply this: When it happens, it's over. There's no going back and trying to fix it. He's coming and justice is coming with Him. He will reward each one and judge each one accordingly.

What are we to do? We are to make certain now that we are walking in the righteousness and holiness of Christ. We are to aim for holy and righteous living because of His soon return. Our lives are the summation of what we have chosen so far. When Christ comes, who we are is who we were. Today is the day to turn and seek Him. Today we have opportunity to run to Him.

What we have now is choice. What we will have at His return is no choice but to be exposed for what we are. And yet the invitation is offered now in this last chapter of the Bible... "Come" (Verse 17). And we can come free of charge and find what we seek in Christ the hope of glory.

What we can do now is take our opportunity seriously. While it is still today, we must repent and chose Christ. If we hear, we must respond. Never mind what others are doing, and what others think. Serve Christ today and on the final day of your life or the world... you will be joyfully rewarded.

The point is not to wonder when Christ will return. The point is to get ready for it.


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