Time With Jesus Trumps All

Peter and John are brought before one of the most prestigious Jewish families in the entire nation. Notice the details Luke gives us in their trial before the court convened about them after healing the lame man at the Beautiful Gate:

Acts 4:5–6 (ESV) On the next day their rulers and elders and scribes gathered together in Jerusalem, 6 with Annas the high priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all who were of the high-priestly family.

These were the "movers and shakers" of Judea at this time.

  • Annas was the most powerful political person in the Nation at this time. He was kind of the "Godfather" of this clan of very important people.
  • John also served as high priest.
  • Caiaphas (the current High Priest) will forever go down in history for being the High Priest that put into works to Crucify Christ and then to attack and threaten his church. He has been long dead but at the time he was the longest tenured High Priest in History.

Then it records what this very prestigious family saw in these "common" miracle workers:

Acts 4:13 (ESV) Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.

For all their pedigree, and all their prestige, and all their power, this family could do nothing with the men who had "been with Jesus." Notice:
Acts 4:14 (ESV) But seeing the man who was healed standing beside them, they had nothing to say in opposition.

Time with Jesus trumps all. It is more important than education. It is more important than coming from the right family lineage. It is more important than position or power.  In fact, when you spend time with Jesus you are drawing close to the most Powerful Person in the Universe. Time with Him is time well spent.

A few things are produced in these men who spent time with Jesus.
1. Boldness. What courage they had to stand before the very men who plotted to kill their savior just a few weeks before. And now there they are standing and speaking totally unthreatened. How awesome it is to be FREED from the fear of man!

2. Wisdom. The only reason they perceived they were uneducated was not in what they said but how they said it. Gallileans had a thick accent that was very recognizable in those days. But there was nothing they could say to rebuff the disciples words and testimony! How awesome to always have a word for those who accuse you.  And this is just what Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do!

3. Resilience. What do they do when they are finally released? They go back and report to the believers and they all pray for... (watch this)... MORE BOLDNESS to preach and perform many miracles RIGHT in the CITY where Jesus was brutally killed. How amazing was the Early Church! How important to be filled with the Holy Spirit and spend time with Jesus.

We all need boldness, wisdom and resilience. This world will wear you down. And when you're in one of those seasons where you're dry and burnt out, don't check out! Cry out for the presence of the Lord. Let him mold you and shape you and renew you and empower you.

Because time with Jesus is never wasted... and it trumps all!

Father it is good to spend time with You. Thank you for your ever PRESENT help in every moment of every day. You are good and You are true. I love You and desire to honor You boldly and emphatically in my life. Don't let me just live, empower me to thrive in Christ! Amen.


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