Added to the Lord

When the Church is born in Acts 2 the end of that chapter reads "And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.  Acts 2:47 (ESV)

After God judges Ananias and Sapphira for lying to the Holy Spirit and pretending to be more than they were, stealing the glory of God, the people are filled with reverent fear... It reads in Acts 5:13  None of the rest dared join them, but the people held them in high esteem.

Then, this line, Acts 5:14 (ESV) 14 And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women,

I never saw the difference between those verses until now. In Acts 2:47, people were added to "their number". But a few pretenders got in, as is the case for any church... but after the judgment of the two pretenders, believers were "added to the Lord".

You can be in Church and not IN THE LORD. You can like the band and the cool atmosphere or the community and sense of belonging and still not be in Christ. This is what Jesus meant by "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven."

What's the difference? Here in Acts 5 it's a glimpse of God's and holiness. God shows up and people die in sin. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord. Yet we see the benefits of God's holy judgment instantly - many "believers" got right with God! I think this is the kind of thing we should see regularly in our churches.

It's easy to get people to come.  Anyone can do that. f you have the right music and great children's ministry, people will come. But its totally a God thing to get them joined to Christ. We need to seek the Lord for that to happen regularly. And notice, it wasn't some great discipleship program that made this happen, it was the power and presence of a MIGHTY and HOLY God.

A growing church is constantly adding to their number and the Lord is constantly plucking from that number people who are totally dedicated to Himself. Time will tell the difference. Either you are there for the great coffee cafe and cool worship band, or you are sold out because the Lord has drawn you in and made you His own.

The difference is real, and unstoppable.

God, I ask that you draw me to yourself. I pray that my faith is founded not on what what man does in your Name but what You have done in my heart. May Your glory be seen in the church and in this country once again so that we might truly belong heart and soul to You.


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