The Purpose of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1–5 (ESV) When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts 2:11 (ESV) -we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.”

Historically, the day of Pentecost brought more pilgrims to Jerusalem than even Passover did. This may be because of the good weather. But how incredible that God would send the Spirit on the festival where more people showed up?

On the day of Pentecost, the priest would take oil, mix it with flour, bake it and present two loaves of bread to the Lord. Think of it this way, all those grains of wheat were crushed down into flour and the individual flour particles were brought together in the "Oil" of the Holy Spirit as two new loaves for the Lord. Now the two loaves had leaven, probably meaning that the church will have a little sin in it this side of heaven even with the enablement of the Spirit. And the two loaves probably refer to the Jews and Gentiles being offered to God together. 

One thing is for sure about the Day of Pentecost - it was meant to bring us together not tear us apart. Yet one of the most contentious issues in the Church is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Some churches treat the Holy Spirit as if He wasn't there. Other's give Him preference even over Jesus. Why do we fight over such a powerful and blessed gift? 

I sadly heard of a church conference in California this week gathered together to denounce a two movements that believes in the gifts of the Spirit. Why do we insist on dividing when we should be uniting in the Love of Christ and glory of God?  Why doesn't one of these "Big Name" preachers or pastors hold a conference on "How to Love our Neighbor?" Why must we shoot our own family?  God help us and send the Holy Spirit in fullness once again!

There has to be a change in our hearts. If we want a fresh experience of the Holy Spirit, it will probably evidence itself in love for one another and bringing glory to God! For when the people heard the disciples speaking - they were from 18 different people groups and they all heard the disciples declaring "the mighty works of God." Then the chapter ends with the church having all things in common and being together EVERY DAY.

The Holy Spirit isn't here to make much of any person or denomination. The Holy Spirit is here to make the Church ONE and to glorify God! Asking for the fulness of the Holy Spirit is asking for yourself to be lost in the loaf of God's house! To be a part of something much bigger than you. To be a tiny part of the BIG THING God is doing in the world. Secondly, being filled with the Holy Spirit is being used to bring God glory in all things. This is what we were made for, and what we are destined to do. 

How appropriate is it then, that the Father sends the Holy Spirit, the third, often forgotten member of the Trinity on the most popular feast day of the year? This is the Nature of the Father, a longing for us to be one!

Father, I'm asking for this for me and my church family and my area of the world. We desperately need the Holy Spirit more than ever. May we know the emptiness of everything else so that we might seek the fulness available in You. Make us ONE, send Your Spirit. Amen.


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