Impossible to Count - NUMBERS STARTS

Numbers 1:44–46 (ESV) These are those who were listed, whom Moses and Aaron listed with the help of the chiefs of Israel, twelve men, each representing his fathers’ house. 45 So all those listed of the people of Israel, by their fathers’ houses, from twenty years old and upward, every man able to go to war in Israel-all those listed were 603,550.

Let's dive into Numbers. To be honest, I'm kind of happy to be past Leviticus. That was tough.

Numbers opens with a census of the men able to fight in Israel. This is a nation that went to Egypt 70 in number. They have come out 400 years later at 600k+ men 20 years old and able to fight in war, not including the younger men and all the females. This nation has become enormous in an incredibly short amount of time. Possibly 2.5 million people from 70 in 440 years (if you include the wilderness wanderings).

Now, lets address something that keeps coming up in commentaries and in Biblical archeology studies. People usually discredit this number pretty matter of factly. They simply believe its impossible. Of course, God raising someone from the dead after crucifixion is impossible for any of us apart from God! But let's table that discussion for later.

The common argument against this number is there simply wasn't enough time to have 70 people become 2.5 million in 440 years. But what I constantly see in this argument is the idea that there were only 4 generations in the timeframe. The reason they arrive at four is because of modern day birthing rates where people have their first child later and later in life. In the ancient world, you didn't get the chance to live 80 years so that you could "put off" marriage and children to "enjoy yourself" first. They got busy very young. Perhaps as early as 12-13, just after puberty. That literally triples the possible number of generations and exponentially increases the birth rate of the growing nation.

Our culture constantly does this with the Bible though. We read our situation and context back into the text and arrive at impossible scenarios assuming our generation is the way it has always been.

All that being said... let's consider this much more incredible reality from Numbers 1: GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES!

What was God's word to Abraham in Genesis 15?
Genesis 15:5–6 (ESV) And (God) brought Abram outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

We know this is the moment at which Abram was "saved." In fact James and Paul use this passage to talk about faith and justification. But the promise was sure and came to fulfillment. 440 years and 2.5 million children later, even down to today - no one can count the Jewish people throughout history. 

It makes us realize that God asks of us one simple thing: Believe Him. 

Believe Him when no one else will. Believe Him when the skeptics deny His Word. Believe Him when unbelievers call you names and think you're outdated and foolish. Believe Him when nothing else is working AND when it's all working. He may take His time, but He will always come through. 


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