Guarding the House, Gateway to the Garden

If Israel was to be a successful nation, it would be because they had God among them. So far in Exodus we have seen God give the plans for the Tabernacle and the people follow the plans to the letter. In Leviticus we have seen the amazing amount of detail that goes into the Tabernacle and its sacrifices and standards. Now here in Numbers, as the people are counted for battle, God makes clear, the Levites are not to be counted, they have a job to do.

Numbers 1:47–50 (ESV) 47 But the Levites were not listed along with them by their ancestral tribe. 48 For the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 49 “Only the tribe of Levi you shall not list, and you shall not take a census of them among the people of Israel. 50 But appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of the testimony, and over all its furnishings, and over all that belongs to it. They are to carry the tabernacle and all its furnishings, and they shall take care of it and shall camp around the tabernacle.

God is teaching His people that His presence, not their numbers ultimately will win their battles. How tempting it would be to include the Levites in the business of war. After all, they are just doing "church work" over there in the Tent. It would be entirely feasible that someone could have even thought, "Why use 1/12th of our numbers for the sake of the gathering place where we only meet once a week and a few times a year? Won't we need as many people as we can get for this war?"

But this is not how God deals with His people. His presence, not their power or planning makes the difference. And if Israel is to have God among them, they need to approach Him properly, scripturally, and honorably. The previous book mapped it out, now they must commit to making worship and celebration with God - along with sacrifice and offerings - a high priority in their midst. 

Notice how God puts it when He commands them to have the Levites encamp around the Tabernacle:

Numbers 1:53 (ESV) But the Levites shall camp around the tabernacle of the testimony, so that there may be no wrath on the congregation of the people of Israel. And the Levites shall keep guard over the tabernacle of the testimony.”

The Levites are given the task of guarding the dwelling place of God. Like Adam in the original garden, the Levites here are to keep it holy and sacred, to make certain that no one takes God's presence lightly or negligently. Israel is learning here too, that if they are to be blessed and victorious, it will be because God is pleased with them, that they have clear communion with the Creator.

Now, the question may be posed, "Why does God act like this? Why does He make Himself so 'delicate' and 'temperamental'?" But that question is asked from the wrong perspective. He is drawing people back to the garden with Him. The first paradise was LOST because Adam and Eve took God's presence for granted. Instead, they chose to know life apart from God, life at odds with their maker - a life of death. All of our suffering and pain testifies to the fact that we are exiled from home, we have been cast out of the garden. God is drawing us back. 

Now we see the reason for the Levites to surround the presence of God. They are to be the "flesh" through which the people come back into the presence of God rightly! They are to be the men who offer sacrifices so that God's people can know His ways and understand His power. Every Israelite had to go to God's presence THROUGH the men of the Levite tribe encamped (like flesh) around the dwelling place of God. 

Do you get it? 
Jesus is the final priest who brings us back to God. How do we get there? Through His flesh. We approach God rightly ONLY when we come to our final Adam, the Son of Man and our great high priest, Jesus Christ. 

Unlike the Levites He was numbered... but among the transgressors ... so that we might be counted in the final tally of heaven. 


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