Dressed Up for His Purposes

Exodus 39 describes the High Priest's garments in the sacrificial system of the Old Covenant. A few things really stand out to me.

Exodus 39:1 (ESV) From the blue and purple and scarlet yarns they made finely woven garments, for ministering in the Holy Place. They made the holy garments for Aaron, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

The same colors and fabrics used for the Tabernacle are to be used for the garments of Israel's High Priest. This is the man who will make atonement for the people every year. He will oversee the sacrificial system and make certain the duties of worship are carried out. But he will be dressed in the exact same colors as the Tabernacle itself. It is clear, the Priest was to be a mini tabernacle.

We should consider a few realities:
1. If the Tabernacle is led by a man who looks just like it - this is obviously pointing to the incarnation of Christ - our true High Priest. He is the one who does what is needed that we might have access to God's presence.

2. If the Tabernacle is a representation of the one in heaven (See Hebrews 9:23), it should follow that the presence of Jesus in our lives is the touch of heaven. When Jesus comes, heaven literally invades Earth. The lost are found, the outcast is loved and welcomed, the leper is healed, the sinner is forgiven... in Christ, the goodness of God is experienced by all who trust in Him. 

3. If the Church is the temple of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 6), it follows that wherever we go we are bringing the embodiment of Christ, the true tabernacle of Heaven and God's presence to that locale. What is the Church but a touch of heaven to an Earth lost in sin? So we must be about our Father's business and look like Jesus so that the world can see His goodness.

All this is incredible to realize. This is why Jesus' commands us to pray, "Thy kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven." We are the vehicles through which God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. 

So how are we doing with that? 

It comes to mind that the embroiderers of the priestly garments would have to look at the fabrics of the Tabernacle repeatedly in order to make them as similar as possible. So too, we New Covenant people of God must look to the true Tabernacle, Jesus repeatedly. We must look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith... look to Him and see what He is like if we are to carry on His mission in the world. 

Christian, do not compare yourself to other people. Do not focus on the ways of this world. They are passing away! Christian, your example, your pattern for living is the risen Christ. Let His reality fill your mind and so carry it forward into other's lives!



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