The Ultimate Plan

Some call Genesis the "Pentateuch" of the Pentateuch. It's the introduction to the introduction of the Bible. Genesis provides us with the backdrop to God's story for what will be further worked out not only in Israel, but in the redemption of the world.

That's good news when you see the final commentary on all that has happened in Genesis from Joseph himself in regards to evils befallen him due to his brothers. When they deceptively engineer forgiveness from them by pulling on his heart strings toward their deceased father, Joseph replies in summary:
Genesis 50:19–21 (ESV) But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? 20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. 21 So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Here we have it. God's plan for all evil. It shall be leveraged for His ultimate purpose of saving many. Joseph's sufferings were used to save both Egypt and Israel. Israel's sufferings will be used to teach the New Covenant people of God about obedience and idolatry. Jesus, the ultimate sufferer will bear the evils of the cross and enact a new nation and people of God once and for all time. He will take His murder and use it as the means by which His murderers can be saved!


God does not author evil but God uses evil for His good purposes. This is how the story will go in your life as you trust in Christ. It can be very hard to believe that at times. Like when you're sitting through those "prison seasons" like Joseph does in Genesis. It can be hard to believe when you hear hatred and vicious animosity from those who are supposed to love you. But all it takes is time. Trust the Word of the Lord.

This is our hope as Christians. Whether our fears be other nations rising up against our country or personal addictions or family dysfunction. God is going to leverage the evil of this world to make a fool of the devil and bring glory to His sons and daughters.

This is our Word of comfort. So ends the ministry of Joseph to his brothers from the very text of Genesis itself:
Genesis 50:21 (ESV) So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

There will be times when we make terrible choices that lead to awful consequences. What is our hope even then? That God leveraged the terrible choices of Joseph's brothers for even their own good and ultimate formation. This is not an encouragement to sin. No. This is an encouragement to hope in God! In all things He works for your good. If you have a hope like that, it makes all the difference. 

This is why we come to the Bible regularly. To remember God is still in control and using the events of a dark world for something better than we can imagine. 


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