Our True Jethro

Exodus 3:1 (ESV) Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.

The Bible introduces us to Moses in his new post-Egypt life. He's working for his father-in-law Jethro and leading his flock. What's interesting to note is that Jethro was referred to as Reuel only one chapter earlier. Scripture does offer two names to many people. This time it is on purpose for the narrative. The point is to show Jethro as the help Moses needed at this point in time. 

Jethro is going to guide Moses from his old life to his new life with hardly a word. He is the one who offers Moses a home as he's running from Pharaoh. He gives Moses a family. He provides Moses a job. He is also referred to as a Priest so he is in a large way Moses' spiritual leader. Jethro is perhaps Moses' first spiritual guide since being raised by his mother. 

Later in the story, we see Jethro's influence on Moses even as Moses has arisen to the height of spiritual progress leading Israel through the wilderness. Jethro will rebuke Moses for not raising up other leaders to do the work of the ministry under him. It is clear that Jethro's impact on Moses' life was stunning. He could speak to Moses in ways no one else could.

What's interesting is the name "Reuel." It means "friend of God." For Moses, it was this "friend of God" that brought him out of the old life of worldliness in Egypt to the new life in the wilderness being fashioned for his purpose and calling in God. 

Jethro in many ways embodies the covenantal law Moses will receive from God. The kindness he shows a stranger, the way he looks out for those who cannot look out for themselves, the refuge he provides for someone who commits murder and the honor he shows his daughters in the ancient world which often saw women as chattel. Jethro's heart for the marginalized will reflect many aspects of the Old Testament law.

Every Christian needs a Jethro. We need someone to help us transition from the old life to the new. We need someone who is a priest before God. We need someone who will provide for us when we've come to the end of ourselves. We need someone who has the power to place us in a family and give us responsibility and prepare us for our calling. We need someone who embodies the law of God.

Of course, our true Jethro is Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God who sits forever as our high priest. He is our champion who has gone before us to pave the way for us out of Egypt and into our calling. He is the one who can rebuke us firmly when we've grown to proud. He is the one who provides the place and time of our preparation for God's purpose to be fulfilled in our lives. And He is the one who fulfills the law of God for us so that we can live in the new law of the Spirit.

Get to know your Jethro. Learn to listen to His voice. He will not lead you astray. He will give your life meaning and purpose.

Or... you could try to do all that on your own.


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