There Really Is Only ONE Helper

Genesis 40:23 Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

Genesis 40:1 After two whole years, Pharaoh dreamed...,

Genesis 41:16 Joseph answered Pharaoh, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”

The white space between Genesis 40:23 and Genesis 41:1 is where a lot of Christians are living. Joseph must have agonized these two years in ways we can only imagine. Some of us have waited longer than two years for God's promises to come to pass. Some of us are still waiting.

Having successfully interpreted the dreams of the cup bearer and chief baker of Pharaoh, and having implored the cup bearer for kindness on his behalf Joseph is left forgotten to languish for two more years in prison for something he didn't do. And this after he compassionately attended to this man while he was in prison. 

It teaches us a few things about Christian hope. 

#1. To do God's will and serve others is not to expect immediate quid pro quo in return favors. We must not serve expecting something in return. Our service is not for others to "pick us up" on the other side. No, that's not true service. That's just sanctified selfishness. True service places one's hope for reward on the one Who Alone can give what's right.

What are you serving others for? Is it for what "they" could do for you? Serve not for the reward. Serve because you know God is watching you and HE can and will reward you. That's why Jesus said, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Matthew 6:3–4

#2. Stop trusting in people. Ultimately, the cup bearer was human. All humans suffer from a narcissistic mindset of self-preservation. He just got his job back after angering Pharaoh. He's not about to put his neck on the line for a prisoner. He's no defense lawyer and Ancient Egypt isn't 21st Century America. Putting your trust is someone else to make your life right is like trusting a sinking boat to save you from drowning. Yes, people can be of assistance and guidance. But God is the only all-sufficient One who needs nothing in return to be what you need Him to be.

Paul will say, "For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ." Philippians 2:21

#3. Only God really helps. It will be the cup bearer who speaks up on Joseph's behalf. But that is only after Pharaoh has been given a dream from the hand of God. God is working in our lives no matter how long we may have to wait. Trust Him. He alone is your Help.

The Psalmist will say, "For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him." Psalm 62:5

Who do we turn to?
Jesus is God the Son, the only truly trustworthy human who had all sufficiency in Himself to come seek, serve and save for truly self-less, God-honoring purposes. He's not just our example. He is our trust and confidence in whatever season of life. 


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