Let Someone Else Praise You

Genesis 41:16 (ESV) Joseph answered Pharaoh, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”

The incredible thing about Joseph's rapid ascension to power in Egypt is how little he contributes this his own resume!

In our culture we are taught to "put ourselves out there", "put on a good face", or "put your best foot forward." In our day personal ambition is a model virtue as we laud the accomplishments of the overachievers among us. Today's social media frenzy has only exacerbated this mentality. We talk ourselves up in every way possible, even displaying the food we are eating or cooking for others to take notice and "like" in a pixelated self-centered me-fest.

But when I read the chapter that changed everything for Joseph I notice one conspicuous absence. He doesn't take credit for anything he's done, nor does he promote himself for the job now necessary for Egypt's well being. 

Look at the chapter. Every other character praises Joseph for something. The cup bearer gives him the credit he deserved from long ago.  Pharaoh exclaims that he can't find anyone like him! Later after Joseph's installment, others cry out before him as he sits in the chariot, "Bow down!" Everyone in this chapter is praising Joseph... except Joseph. 

You have to think that when Pharaoh called Joseph in, after two years of waiting in prison, Joseph would have been highly tempted to take full credit for what God would do through him. But the words are so straightforwardly self-effacing... "It is not in me!" Wow! I don't know if I could resist the urge to promote my own agenda considering the opportunity for no more prison time. Nor does Joseph campaign for the very job he recommends be created! No... Joseph has left his promotion and purposes in the hands of God. He's still trusting the dreams God gave him and not the mouth God gave him.

Millenia later, when questioned by the high official Pilate, Jesus would not call down His credentials. He let others declare who He was. Even at the cross upon His death, it is the Roman Centurion who declares, "Surely this was the Son of God." It's amazing how many ways Joseph is a type of Christ. 

The Proverb tells us:
Proverbs 27:2 (ESV) Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

Jesus and Joseph both modeled this. Do you know why we are not to praise ourselves? Because Christians are fully aware of how bad they are. They know they needed forgiveness and grace! And they know full well that Christ had to die for them. This is living in the faith of Christ. To know He took our sins and shame. How can we boast? We cannot! We can only entrust ourselves to He Who paid it all.



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