God and His Creation.

I never thought about this but the Lord does really like what He has made. That is what Psalm 104 is all about.

May the glory of the LORD continue forever! The LORD takes pleasure in all he has made! (Psalms 104:31 NLT)

God is in the creating business. This Psalm is known for its reflective nature on the Creation account of Genesis 1-2. It follows very closely the same pattern of Genesis 1 as each part of Creation is celebrated as something wonderful from the Lord.

God takes pleasure in creating things for a purpose. The purpose is His glory. He is glorified in his creation responding and operating according to His design. So mankind brings God glory in utilizing creation to create!

Notice how the Psalm unpacks that for us:

Psalm 104:14–15 (ESV) You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth 15 and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine and bread to strengthen man’s heart.

God made creation to be utilized for our nourishment - bringing us food, for our enjoyment - pleasure and for God's glory as well. Some people scorn technology. I love it. I see in the technological advances of our world the wonders of God's good creation being explored, discovered, leveraged and utilized to do more, go farther and expand beyond our dreams! What a pleasure to see humanity harness wavelength and wifi signals! What a joy to see the Church using them to spread the message of Jesus!

Creation is a gift from God to us. He intended us to spread out, rule and protect it. Unfortunately, we often think Creation is going to burn up so "what's the use?" But the fire 2 Peter 3 mentions may be that of a metaphorical cleansing. After all, Jesus was referred to as a "refiner's fire" in Malachi 3:3 and He never set anything ablaze except the hearts of His people! He cleanses and purifies for use, making people holy. Restoring God's creation one heart at a time.

This is our creation mandate as Christians. To enjoy and use God's creation to bring Him glory. Let's not be belligerent and condescending to the environmentalists. Let's be more engaged and caring of the Earth making use of it's vast discoverable elements for the sake of Christ, the pure pleasure of mankind, and the glory of God!



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