Big Impact in Small Places

Psalm 117:1–2 (ESV) Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! 2 For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!

The smallest Psalm in the Bible is a lesson in big-time vision.

Though it is the shortest of all the songs in this collection, it has the largest vision possible. It speaks to nations and all peoples concerning the reality of our God! This Psalm is highly evangelistic as it seeks for all people to know the reasons for praising God - His faithfulness and love - covenantal terms for the people of Israel. The Psalmist forsees a day when all nations and peoples will know the love and faithfulness of Yahweh.

This Psalm is also post-exilic. Which means it was written after Israel had reached its peak, descended into immorality, was chastened in exile and returned humbly to the city of Jerusalem. The Psalmist and his nation are down but they are not out. He sees a day when even godless nations will praise the Lord of Israel. He sees the triumph of Jehovah as the certain reality to come!

It's a lesson for any of us who may think we are insignificant. You do not have to be long winded or large in size to make a profound impact or believe God for great things. In fact, this Psalm reflects the method of God's operation from Genesis to Revelation - to take the weak and despised things of the world to bring to not the things that are! God specializes in making powerful somebodies out of nobodies. Why? So that people will praise HIM and not THEM!

It is important to note that the Psalmist's call to worship - large though it seemed at the time - has been fulfilled in Christ. For today it is not only Jews who worship Jehovah, it is all who come to Christ. And in the book of Revelation John's vision before the throne is of a people from every tribe, tongue and nation. Indeed, this short Psalm comes to perfect fulfillment in Christ and forever!

How ironic that the shortest Psalm would have such a massive amount to show us.


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