It's About God

Psalm 68 is about God. And it's a great reminder that the Bible and the Universe is about Him too.

Psalm 68:1 (ESV) God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him!

Psalm 68:35 (ESV) Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God!

So often we want to make the Bible about us. We want to see what we should do, what we need to find for ourselves, what buttons we should push and what tips we can utilize to make our lives better and get ahead.

What a cheap replacement for God.

God desires us to KNOW Him. And to know Him is eternal life.
John 17:3 (ESV) And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

It is in our nature to turn inward. We are born with the propensity to gravitate toward ourselves, saying "Mine!" at three years old that we have no business having. And all through life we struggle to get and acquire so that we can say, "That's mine!" But it's not ours, it's an illusion of possession as we come in naked and we go out naked as well.

The 68th Psalm reminds me that the Bible is about God and indeed the whole realm of nature belongs to Him as well. We belong to Him. 

Psalm 68:19 (NLT) Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.

What a benefit to know Him and love Him... to be known by Him who holds all things. Sometimes your prayers should be simply acknowledging the blessing of being His.

And that's all that's needed to be said.


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