Don't Hide what God has Done

Don't hide what God has done.

Psalm 40:10 (ESV) I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation. 

You have a testimony. It is good what God has done for you and in you or through you.  Do not hide it. The testimony of your life is not really about you either, it is about what God has done.

It may not have happened when you wanted. The Psalmist had to wait patiently (verse 1).
It may not have been what you wanted to happen. The Psalmist was in the pit of destruction.

But you have something to share with the World.

I have what some consider a boring testimony. I never did drugs, slept around or engaged in illegal activity. I never had that dramatic fall to your knees conversion experience because I was at the end of my rope. I was raised by good Christian parents in a Christian home.  Nevertheless I was captured by the Lord at the age of 12 in a dramatic way. It changed everything, the course of my future and my desires. I was a strange teen.

I've never been perfect. Not by far. But I do know this. It is not because of me that I never veered far from the path of life. In my heart I sought to stray and God quickly rebuked me and almost kicked me back on the straight and narrow. I learned fast how awful my own inclinations would leave me. Jeremiah was right in declaring the heart as "desperately wicked and beyond cure."

If anything, my testimony is the consistency of God to guide me and keep me from my own foolishness through many differing seasons of life. I am profoundly grateful that the Hound of Heaven refuses to give up on me. I resonate with the Psalmist who said...

Psalm 40:11 (ESV) As for you, O LORD, you will not restrain your mercy from me; your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me!

Thank you Lord for your unrestrained mercy!


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