Wickedness of Witchcraft

The first part of Ezekiel 13 condemns the false promises of the false prophets in Israel. The second half condemns the women who practice witchcraft and magic arts in the nation. 

Ezekiel 13:17–18 (ESV) “And you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy out of their own hearts. Prophesy against them 18 and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to the women who sew magic bands upon all wrists, and make veils for the heads of persons of every stature, in the hunt for souls! Will you hunt down souls belonging to my people and keep your own souls alive?

The wording of their actions is essential. Verse 18 speaks of tying the hands of those who come to them and veiling the eyes. That is what witchcraft and immoral women do to a person (or nation). They blind and bind them. 

Consider the story of Samson. His obsession with an immoral woman led to him being just that—blinded and bound in the pit of the Philistines. Spiritual oppression comes upon a man through an immoral woman who worships false gods. Samson was fooled by Delilah in the most ignominious way. When you read the story, it baffles you how he did not see the danger. The spirit of delusion is real.

I also think of Ahab, who married Jezebel. The scripture describes her as the daughter of a pirest of Baal.
1 Kings 16:31 (ESV) And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, he (Ahab) took for his wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went and served Baal and worshiped him.

Ethbaal, the "king of the Sidonians," would have likely been the high priest of their religion. He led them in their sorcery and forbidden practices. Out of loyalty to Jezebel, Ahab joined in right away. 

Men, watch who you marry. Make sure she worships and serves the Lord. If not, she will lead you to a dark place. She will corrupt your soul without you even realizing it's happening. Many men have gone before you to find out the hard way. Learn from their mistakes. 

God says they will also die for doing such things to His people. Not only do the women do this to the people of God, but they do it for very little in return. Ezekiel describes their pay as "handfuls of barley... and pieces of bread."
Ezekiel 13:19 (ESV) You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, putting to death souls who should not die and keeping alive souls who should not live, by your lying to my people, who listen to lies.

The Lord indicts these women. Calling them to account for those who died following their divination. Their falsehoods led to the deaths of many. God avenges those who have succumbed to the deception of supposed leaders in the nation. 

What will God do for the victims of these dark arts? He will crush those women and set their captives free!

Ezekiel 13:20–21 (ESV) “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against your magic bands with which you hunt the souls like birds, and I will tear them from your arms, and I will let the souls whom you hunt go free, the souls like birds. 21 Your veils also I will tear off and deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand as prey, and you shall know that I am the LORD.

However, a further indictment follows from the Lord. 
Ezekiel 13:22 (ESV) Because you have disheartened the righteous falsely, although I have not grieved him, and you have encouraged the wicked, that he should not turn from his evil way to save his life,

What these immoral women did is the same as the false prophets did. They never challenged the people to repent from sin, they led them in delusion to embrace their evil. YET, God would deliver those under their spell.

Ezekiel 13:23 (ESV) therefore you shall no more see false visions nor practice divination. I will deliver my people out of your hand. And you shall know that I am the LORD.”

The same accountability upon Ezekiel is laid upon these witches. Because they led others to sin, God will hold them to account while he saves those who were manipulated by their falsehoods. We have here the glorious justice and compassion of God, who casts down the godless and rescues His own from the fires of hell. If you're reading this, it's not too late for God to rescue you. 


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