Great Power... Great Responsibility

With great power comes great responsibility. This phrase was made popular by the Spiderman movies and comics although some attribute it to more historical figures. But the truth at the root of it can be traced to the moment Solomon finished the Temple of Israel in 1 Kings 9.

1 Kings 9:8–9 (ESV) And this house will become a heap of ruins. Everyone passing by it will be astonished and will hiss, and they will say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?’ 9 Then they will say, ‘Because they abandoned the Lord their God who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt and laid hold on other gods and worshiped them and served them. Therefore the Lord has brought all this disaster on them.’”

The Lord is not playing games when it comes to Israel's future prosperity. They were the nation God had called to Himself, saving them from Egypt and establishing them in the Promised Land. They alone of all the Nations had the Word of God, the Testimony of the tablets and the priestly practices prescribed from heaven. They were not simply blessed. They were blessed to be a BLESSING.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Now the question must be asked, why was it so necessary for the Lord to thoroughly discipline Israel if they worshipped and served other gods? There are important reasons that apply to us as Christians today.

First, Israel had the responsibility to show the world how GOOD God was. If they turned from Him their blessings would dry up for the simple reason that HE ALONE is the source of all things good. For Israel to be blessed in disobedience would send a confusion message to the world around them. Consider it this way, Israel being blessed as they serve other gods would tell the nations who worshipped those other gods that their gods were good! Think of the confusion that would instill in their hearts and minds.

Second, Israel had the responsibility to SHARE what God had given them with the nations around them - including their scriptures and laws. If they worshipped and served the gods of those nations and were blessed, those nations would have thought their practices were the source of blessing. This would have led other nations to cling ever tighter to their false gods and destructive laws, leading to more confusion and darkness in their world.

Third, we should notice that the HOUSE of the Lord would be a "heap of ruins". This is huge. For the size and glory of an ancient temple testified to the value and strength of the "god" of that nation. But the Lord is not concerned with Israel's reputation as much as He is concerned with His own. If the house that stands in His name is not living up to His character, He has no problem letting it be destroyed. History proves He was willing to see it destroyed and it stands destroyed today. The point for New Testament worshippers is to learn well this lesson: If our "religious structure" doesn't honor the Lord He has no issues with dismantling the whole thing. I can think of several American Christian denominations with empty pews and tattered facilities today because they abandoned God's Word and standards years ago.

In the end, the Lord will get glory from our blessing in obedience and our discipline in disobedience. The reputation of the Lord is at stake and His heart for the world is so strong He will do whatever is necessary to maintain it - even if it brings glorious structures that were built for His fame to the ground.

Let us be warned today, dear Christians. Our lives are for HIS glory. He will discipline you and chastise you in order to make sure the world sees that His way is THE way.


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