The Church's Courage

The book of Kings opens with an ancient story about a rebellious son assuming the throne that has rightly been set apart for the beloved Son of David. Adonijah is that rebellious son and Solomon is the chosen, promised, beloved Son who will reign. The whole story provides a picture of our present reality as Christians in the Church age. Adonijah signifies for us those kings and rulers through the ages that assume Jesus' absence is their license to rule and reign on the Earth. But they are sadly mistaken and its just a matter of time.

While Adonijah is feasting and celebrating his own glorification, Nathan, the true man of God and prophet who has spoken forcefully to David in the past comes up with a plan. He and Bathsheba will unite forces to awaken the king from his absence and bring about the rightful reign of Solomon.

1 Kings 1:11–12 (ESV) Then Nathan said to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, “Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has become king and David our lord does not know it? 12 Now therefore come, let me give you advice, that you may save your own life and the life of your son Solomon.

What's interesting about this whole event is that Bathsheba is the one Nathan uses to bring it all about. For we know Bathsheba is the mother of Solomon but also the willing adulterous woman who slept with David while still married to another. While we expect Nathan to be instrumental here, Bathsheba's integral role speaks powerfully. First, she is a woman and in those days women did not have the rights they enjoy today. Secondly, she's got a checkered past. Who does she symbolize in this picture but the Church? The church is made up of many spiritual Bathsebas. People of notorious pasts whom God will use to usher in the reign of His Promised Son.

Notice the manner in which Nathan guides this whole event. He gives her words to speak in the king's presence and then assures her that he will come in to back her up.

1 Kings 1:14 (ESV) Then while you are still speaking with the king, I also will come in after you and confirm your words.”

Nathan gives us a picture of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who comes from God, who bears witness to the truth for us, who reminds the Church of Father's Promises and then supports our efforts when we step out in faith. Please do not miss that Bathsheba MUST go first in this scenario. Christian, the Holy Spirit will meet you at the point of your stepping out in faith. You may not feel confident at first, but He is with you and will give you words to say. 

After a long chapter, we see David's swift action to round up the right people and establish Solomon as king. What does all this do to the rule of Adonijah? It demoralizes it. While he is partying and feasting, he gets words of all the King has done for Solomon and it reads:

1 Kings 1:49–50 (ESV) Then all the guests of Adonijah trembled and rose, and each went his own way. 50 And Adonijah feared Solomon. So he arose and went and took hold of the horns of the altar.

What a picture of the spiritual victory we gain when we step out in faith at the voice of the Holy Spirit and claim the promises of God over our lives and our future. The enemy cannot even put up a fight. The Lord's armies are too strong. But you know what we must do? We must stand on His Word, listen to His voice and depend on His promises.


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