Trust What God Gives You

Yes, we can also talk about the spiritual lessons from 1 Samuel 17 for our personal walk of faith. Namely, we should look at the weapons issue repeatedly discussed throughout the chapter. Goliaths' weapons are detailed. Saul's armor is offered. And the battle is won with the least expected items.

1 Samuel 17:40 (ESV) Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.
1 Samuel 17:50 (ESV) So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David.

The God we serve does not operate through the weapons we think are most powerful. We consider technological advances to be the greatest asset today. Yet God still works through the foolishness of preaching. We consider fame, notoriety, money, and charisma to win the day. God can take a southern boy from the hills of North Carolina to change the 20th Century (see Billy Graham). He can take an uneducated man from the wrong side of the tracks to transform the 19th Century (see D. L. Moody).

The repeating message I see through the Biblical text is HOW God uses who He uses: He simply asks that they trust the things He has put in their hand. After all, He knows WHY He put them there AND He knows how to empower them.

I think we tend to overlook the image 1 Samuel 17 paints of David trying on Saul's armor. Think of this. He actually tried it on! Now consider yourself in David's shoes here. I wonder if this was not a very trying moment for him. He has to reject the king's offer and do what he feels is best.

Now David has no reputation on which to stand in this estimation other than his own account of the bear and lion. David, the unknown shepherd boy is rejecting the advice of the well-known king. Wouldn't we all feel almost too intimidated to say what David says? And yet David's response was exactly right. He could not use Saul's armor because Saul gave him those. He had to trust what God gave him. So do we.

Christian, the world will regularly attempt to give you what they think you should have for the victories you so desperately want. Be wise here. Don't listen. Don't let them intimidate you by their impressive presentation or decoration. God does not work with the impressive items of the day. He works with what He puts in His people's hands. 

He gave Moses a staff and told him it was enough. He gave Ruth a harvesting bag. He gave Gideon trumpets and 300 men. He gave Jephthah some questionable friends. To the Church, He has given PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP, the BREAKING OF BREAD and the APOSTLES' DOCTRINE (Acts 2:42). "Foolish!", says the world! "How can you expect to keep up with a changing advancing society with these out-dated means?" Well, for one thing, these are the things God has given us and His foolishness is far wiser than the world's wisdom (1 Corinthian 1:25). 

Now, about you. He's placed some talents in your hands. He's put some ideas in your head. Are you using them or hiding them? Or are you letting the world dress you up in what God has not given? The battle is serious and you need supernatural help that will not flow through the methods of a darkened world. 

Look at what He's given you. Perhaps you're good with numbers or maybe you know how to draw. It might be that ability to play music by ear or stand in front of a team and lead them. Others of you might have a great capacity for empathy and compassion. Whatever it is, go with what God has given you. Trust that He knows what's right and how to empower it. It will make all the difference.


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