Obedience in the Atmosphere of Contempt

1 Samuel 2:17–18 (ESV) Thus the sin of the young men was very great in the sight of the Lord, for the men treated the offering of the Lord with contempt. 18 Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy clothed with a linen ephod.

The first two chapters of Samuel provide a theme for the rest of the narrative. In the midst of corrupt political power, God is raising up His servants to faithfully obey Him and establish His kingdom on the Earth. I can't think of a more important truth for Christian service in any age.

Consider Hannah's fervent prayer in chapter one amidst the ignorance, arrogance, and indifference to her struggle from all those around her (her rival wife, arrogant Eli and indifferent Elkanah). Now her son will be placed in a situation much like her own. Samuel will grow up in the Temple. But this Temple is far removed from Aaron's priesthood. The priesthood is corrupt and Eli's family was fragmented. His sons are wicked and will not listen to him. On top of this, there is rampant sexual immorality in the Temple among them. Yet subtly and somewhat beautifully the text simply reads, "Samuel was ministering before the Lord" in spite of all the evil surrounding that place.

1 Samuel 2:26 (ESV) Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the LORD and also with man.

Ironically this passage follows the blatant disregard Hophni and Phineas have for their father's warning concerning their evil conduct. This is going to be not only 1 Samuel's theme but a theme for the Kingdom of God moving forward and even to this day. Right under the auspices of the power structures of our age, right under the noses of those bent on evil and misusing their positions for selfish intentions, there is a person God has anointed to serve His purposes and bring about His plan. 

What hope this provides for the Church of today! For one glance at the political infighting of America or other nations could give a Christian a sense of despair. We could look at how much our political process is corrupted by big-money donations, international liaisons and conservative/liberal network "news" spin. Christian, if you look only at today's "Eli's sons" and only listen to the taunt of those among the ruling class you have every right to fall into a heap of hopeless. 

But this is why you come to scripture. For here we are given a secret. That secret is, right now God is working where you don't see it. Right now God is raising up IN the places of power His true anointed servants. Remember, God has a Joseph in Egypt's palace, Nehemiah in Artaxerxes' throne room, and believers in Caesar's household (see Philippians 4:22). NEVER forget that while mankind is busy boasting of the "name" he will make for himself (Genesis 11), God is finding an Abraham through whom all Nations will be affected and blessed (Genesis 12). 

Consider the Christian conundrum of the last century in America. The advancement of scientific discovery caused many Christian ministers to cave in to the pressure of believing miracles were not possible. Consequently, many Christian denominations turned away from the supernatural elements of the faith to more "social justice" minded themes. The result became powerless churches and empty pews. But God raised up a Spiritual renewal in nondescript places and the Pentecostal/Charismatic churches exploded on the scene. Today there are few growing churches that cannot credit much of their advancement to that early 20th-century move of God. I myself am the descendant of those very people and I'm so thankful for it.

None of this should be news to us when we consider the birth of Jesus. His arrival was largely undetected by the power players of the Roman world. Herod will seek to kill Him, but angels will protect Him. He came under the radar and He transformed people under their skin. You may not be able to visibly see what God is doing when the hatred and evil of the world seem to be exploding, but it IS happening. 

Before we freak out about what the "next generation" may do or become because of how "bad the world is getting", let us consider there were many times it was much worse, there have been much darker days and yet God always had a plan, a people and a purpose that prevailed. 



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