In the Midst of our Savior

Joshua 19:9 (ESV) The inheritance of the people of Simeon formed part of the territory of the people of Judah. Because the portion of the people of Judah was too large for them, the people of Simeon obtained an inheritance in the midst of their inheritance.

Simeon’s inheritance in the promised land was in the midst of the tribe of Judah. This is very relevant for two reasons and it beautifully ties the Old Testament stories to the New Testament reality we have in Christ.

Of course, we know Jesus is from the tribe of Judah. Jacob prophesies over Judah at his death that the “scepter will never depart from” this tribe. That is fulfilled in Christ who is crowned king forever in heaven.

But what about Simeon? We don’t hear very much about this man or his tribe. But what we do hear relates to all those Jesus came to save.

First, we hear about Simeon in the book of Genesis when he plots evil against the Shechemites for raping their sister Dinah in Genesis 34. He and Levi team up to deceive and destroy the entire village in vengeance. This action brought the wrath of his father Jacob and upon his deathbed, he declared Simeon's tribe would be scattered among the others.
Genesis 49:7 (ESV) Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.

In God's grace and providence, this did not end up happening. Simeon is not divided and even portions of the tribe spill over into Judah.

This is a wonderful picture of our position in Christ. It does not matter what curse our ancestors or forebearers may have put on us. It does not matter what we have done ourselves. If we are willing to listen to our true Joshua, then we will dwell in the boundaries of His land.

What was Jesus' promise to the disciples?
John 14:2–3 (ESV) In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

Where is heaven? Wherever Jesus is. The Christian hope is that we will have eternal homes in the midst of Jesus Himself. This is the promise He made us on the last night before His death. 

Now you consider the difference between Jacob and Jesus here. Jacob wanted to scatter Simeon for one act of aggression in defense of his sister's honor. Jesus welcomes us in even though our sinful actions carried no honor. Only Jesus can undo whatever curse others have put upon you. His love is that great and His mercy reaches that far. 

In the end, the tribe of Simeon lived up to their name. Remember when he was born? His mother Leah, despised by Jacob for her younger sister Rachel said this: Genesis 29:33 (ESV) “Because the LORD has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also.” And she called his name Simeon.

Are you hated, despised or disregarded? Are these realities possibly coming from those who should love you? There's a place for you in the home Jesus prepares. But you don't have to wait for death to receive it. He can welcome you into the heavenly kingdom as you walk along this Earth. Come into His inheritance accepted by His blood. It's open to all.


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