Three Seasons Where We Commonly Fall into Temptation

The Gibeonite deception in Joshua 9 is pretty scary. No, no one is killed and no judgment or plague befalls Israel. But it teaches the lesson that we must never overlook even the little things that come into our lives. It's not going to be the big lies we fall for as we grow strong in Christ, it will be the little ones.

The Gibeonites came to Joshua and the people with old bread and clothes even though they were nearby to make peace with Israel out of fear. There is a little verse we must pay attention to:
Joshua 9:14 (ESV) So the men took some of their provisions, but did not ask counsel from the LORD.

Long story short, the people make a treaty with Gibeon and eventually find out they were from nearby and were deceived. Now Israel is bound by a covenant foolishly entered into by leadership who did not seek God in a very innocent moment.

It makes me think. When are we most susceptible to deception? I believe three times in our lives: When we are at our lowest and want to quit or when we are at our highest and have conquered or when we feel just confident enough to belittle some small matter.  Joshua and the people have experienced the first two with Achan and then the conquest of Ai followed by covenant renewal just before this moment. Now they reveal their failure in the mundane things.

How important it is to remind ourselves when things are going well, pay attention to the little things because they could end up costing us big in our lives. Joshua and the people are going to be called on by the Gibeonites in the next chapter and they must fight for them to honor the foolish commitment. It's a hard lesson to learn but just because you're really feeling good about things in your spiritual life doesn't mean all is well.

What's the answer?

Do not be so proud to seek God in the little things that crop up on your life. The little conversation, the little meeting, the little appointment, the little financial decision all matter to God and to your future. The scripture admonishes us:
Ephesians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

What a command here by Paul. "Don't be stupid!" You have to love his blunt admonitions. He wants you to learn to trust God in every situation. Part of that requires making an intentional decision to seek God's will. 

Seek God especially when you're tempted to feel confident in your own ambitions. The enemy loves those times in your life. He will exploit your sudden burst of self-sufficiency. It will cost only you. 

Seek God when you feel ashamed and defeated. The enemy loves to use those moments to tear you down even further and keep you from the one thing that can lift you up - God's Word and His power. 

Seek God in the mundane things. Those things you think are arbitrary. It could be a game-changer for you in the long run. I'm a Patriots fan. There I said it. They are in their 10th Super Bowl tomorrow. One of the things I hear the players say about their coach is how he tells them in the really big games, you never know what small play is going to turn the game in your favor, therefore make every play count. What wise advice for God's church! You never know what conversation, financial decision, relational effort or professional choice will turn the game in your favor. God wants it to go well with you and He knows how to get you there. 

Go to Him.

Interestingly, there is a place long off in Israel's future where Gibeon would feature prominently in the life of King Solomon. It was there he offered 1000 burnt offerings and God offered to him anything he desired. What did Solomon ask for? Wisdom (see 1 Kings 3:3). Could be that Solomon remembered Joshua's failure in the very place where it happened here in Joshua 9 so long before him? It's possible. But regardless, we've come to this place to learn the lesson ourselves. God will lead you. Just ask Him.


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