God's Purpose Doesn't Change. People Do.

Joshua 1:8–11 (ESV) This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 10 And Joshua commanded the officers of the people, 11 “Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, ‘Prepare your provisions, for within three days you are to pass over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.’ ”

The first Hebrew word in the book of Joshua is "waw", usually translated "and" in English. This is surprising since the usual identification with the book of Joshua is with the Historical books (Joshua - 2 Chronicles) and NOT the Pentateuch (first five of the Bible). Yet it is right in the beginning of Joshua tying what happens in this book with what just happened in the 5th book of the Bible. 

This little word teaches us something powerful. The Law is tied to the plan and purpose of God. "Deuteronomy" literally means, "second law" and it sums up and clarified for the new generation the purposes of God as they prepared to enter into the Promised Land. Secondly, the book of Joshua establishes a new leader for God's people right off the bat. Gone are the days of Moses, here are the days of Joshua. And yet, no matter what generation passes on and what generation moves forward, this one thing is made clear: God's purposes prevail no matter who is involved.

I think about how the original slave generation from Egypt wanted so much to be freed from their bondage. They cried out in agony and God heard and sent them Moses. Moses led them to the brink of the Promised Land and they blinked, doubted and ran for cover. They missed out on God's purposes. Does that stop God's purpose? NO! A new generation rises up in their place ready to take occupation of the land. 

I think of Moses, a man who was so devoted to God's purpose and powerfully used in the work of redemption. He wrestled with grumbling Israelites for 40 years. Yet his failure to treat God as holy cost him dearly at the end. How sad. But does that stop God's purpose? NO! There was Joshua in the wings being prepared the whole time. 

Now all this has to be considered with this in mind: God knew the moment He responded to Israel's cry for deliverance in Egypt all this would happen. In fact, He declared to Abraham in Genesis 15 that it would all happen. The only people that struggled with it happening were those it was happening to! 

Think of what this means for your life. God's purposes will prevail no matter what people do. The VERY important question you must ask is this: What is God doing today? Because that's going to happen whether or not you believe it, receive it, follow it or participate in it. If you don't get in on it, there will be someone else who will. God's purposes prevail. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out on God's purposes. So what is God doing? He's doing what He did for Israel. He's freeing people from their bondage. He's leading humans away from addictions, unjust conditions and terrible mistreatment of others. He's freeing people from the bondage of sin. He's delivering people from the grip of satan. He's doing all this through the NAME of Jesus Christ (Joshua in Hebrew). 

Now no matter what you plan to do or want to do, those purposes of God are going to prevail. God will have a people for Himself ready to partner with Him in destroying the work of the devil. The law has been fulfilled for us. We can now march forward in the Name of Jesus. 


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