What Else God May Say

The story of Balaam in Numbers 22-24 is one of incredible hilarity. The prophet offered a reward to curse the blessed people of God, he is eventually is rebuked by a donkey and ultimately loses all his potential gain by blessing the Nation God has blessed in the first place.

It's an important story for the movement of God's purposes in the life of Israel. It is also important for all outside of Israel to heed the God's divine prerogative to bless.

The story starts out with Balak, king of Moab frightened by the potential war his land will face with what looks like an unstoppable force in the Nation of Israel. Mind you, his perspective is undaunted by the inner failures of this great nation in just the last chapter. Balak calls upon Balaam, a seer of sorts, to curse them.

When Balaam seeks the Lord, the answer comes clearly:
Numbers 22:12 (NLT) But God told Balaam, “Do not go with them. You are not to curse these people, for they have been blessed!”

God is pulling no punches and speaking no riddles. He is making His will as plain as ever in the Bible to one of His servants. Don't go, they are blessed by Me, do not curse. 

But when Balak sends more distinguished emissaries to fetch Balaam offering even more reward, something interesting happens.

Numbers 22:18–19 (NLT) But Balaam responded to Balak’s messengers, “Even if Balak were to give me his palace filled with silver and gold, I would be powerless to do anything against the will of the Lord my God. 19 But stay here one more night, and I will see if the Lord has anything else to say to me.”

NOTE that last line, "I will see if the Lord has anything else to say to me."

Balaam has obviously been swayed by the better offer coming his way from Balak. Mind you, he has already clearly heard God's Word concerning this people, but the more enticing offer has him looking for a loophole to disobey God!

Don't we do the same thing? Almost always we seek ways to justify our own evil desires. We see the offer of better and more and start to see how we may manipulate God's clearly enunciated laws for our own benefit. We want the best of both worlds. We want God's blessing of speaking to us and guiding us, but we want the world's increase by appeasing the appetites of our flesh. 

We cannot have it both ways. There is no other Word God has declared than His final Word in Christ. What God has said stands. Eventually Balaam will prophecy a wonderful reminder to himself as he pronounces blessing NOT cursing over Israel. 

Numbers 23:19 (NLT) God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

We do well to learn from Balaam here. The pathway of trying to get away with disobedience is never a good thing and the next part of the story will illustrate how God deals with us during those times. The better option is to not go the step further that Balaam did here. God has spoken, trust and obey Him. It is going to go well for you.


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