The Law Comes After Deliverance

Here we are at Exodus 20. The Ten Commandments are given to God's people. But a word about how the law comes is important. Arthur Pink notes, "Moses went up into the mount and received the Law, inscribed by God’s own finger upon two tables of stone, signifying that our hearts are naturally so hard that none but the finger of God can make any impression of His Law upon them."


It is true that we need the finger of God upon our hearts to make us change. If you remember, the finger of God was involved in the action from Creation up to now for Israel. The Lord is not the sub-set deity of moon, sun, harvest or sky. He is the One who made all of it. He is far above the gods of the Nile, the cattle or the Pharaoh. He alone is all-powerful and all knowing.

I believe the first commandment is the summation of all Israel has heard thus far in their story.
Exodus 20:1–3 (ESV) And God spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

Why obey the first commandment? Because it must be obeyed. To worship anything less than the God of all creation is to give yourself to foolishness and death.

I think the timing is incredibly relevant as well. The law comes to God's people AFTER their rescue not before. Christian, the way God dealt with Israel in saving her first and then instructing her is the way God will deal with you. He will save you and then instruct you. This is an important distinction we often miss. We think the law is the means by which we can be saved. If we only shape up and come right with God, then He will accept us. The Bible says "no."

Romans 3:20 (ESV) For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

The problem is we are in Egypt and unable to save ourselves. We cannot break free. We need a deliverer, one who will bring us OUT of bondage and into the life-giving liberty of God's sovereignty and presence.

It is why the New Testament opens with the True and Better Moses not just doing the delivering, but associating with us and doing what Israel failed to do in the wilderness. He trusted God fully, He obeyed His voice perfectly, then He paid for our faults and failures and brings us out to Himself. It is after we are rescued by His grace we are given His instruction. It is only when His finger touches our hearts we can read His instruction for our benefit and not our loss.

Finally we recognize the job of a leader. Moses is God's man to bring God's people to God. Moses is not here to shine or to be important or to sound eloquent or live above them. Moses' primary responsibility is to bring God's people where God wants them so that they might hear His voice. That is the job of the Church. We are in the invitation business. We are here to bring people to the Word and let the Lord do His work in their lives.

The law comes but it comes for those who have been delivered and it comes to guide them into the new life of God. Christianity is not about enforcing the law on others... it is about recognizing God's love for you to not simply rescue you, but lead you and guide you.


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