Lying is Self-Advancement
Exodus 20:16 (ESV) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Lying is not usually considered that big of a deal. We even rename it to make it sound more "innocent." We say it's a "white lie" or we call it fibbing or "stretching the truth just a bit" or even exaggeration. All of them seem harmless but can often be small ways in which we deceive others for our own advantage. Notice that this command is the first command to conclude with the words, "against your neighbor." Lying is a living offense against someone in your community for your own benefit. Murder takes a life, adultery takes stolen pleasure, stealing takes property from someone else. A lie is self-advancement over others. The original intention of this command refers to lying in court against someone else. We really come to understand the depth of God's heart in this command when we realize how easy it was to condemn someone in the ancien...