Be Fruitful Old Man

Genesis 35:11 (ESV) And God said to him, “I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations shall come from you, and kings shall come from your own body.

God's command here seems strange. Jacob is an old man at this point. He's not going to bear another son. He's produced 12. But here, amazingly as he finally arrives back at the house of God, "Bethel" the Lord's Word comes to him again, "Be fruitful and multiply."

What's going on?

Here's what it means. Obviously God knows that our child bearing days are just the beginning of doing the work God has given us to do. And for those who cannot have children, you need to hang on to this verse. Being fruitful and multiplying extends beyond just children. There's a nation in Jacob, there are kings in Jacob. His family will be a mighty army and a tremendous multitude. Jesus will come from Jacob.

Another interesting facet of this text is that this moment will be the last time God personally appears to anyone in the book of Genesis. What we have here is the redeeming work of God for His original creation brought back to His House (Bethel) in order to multiply (as Adam was told). It's as if God has done all this work through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to begin to reset what sin and disorder have undone. It's back to the original plan - God's children producing offspring and filling the Earth.

This short moment teaches us such important truths:
1. Multiplication is God's plan for man. He wants His people to grow and develop and produce! Not just children, but culture, art, churches, communities, developments. Christians should be engaged in producing wonderful works for His glory in every facet of society. The work of redemption is not just about getting you to a church building once a week. It is about your life reflecting His glory at all times!

2. Multiplication happens best when we live with God. When Jacob comes back to the house or dwelling of God, he is promised these great things. What amazing promises await you, oh child of the King when you dwell in the HOUSE of the Lord? When you spend time with Him. Jesus said, "Abide IN me... apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15). Living WITH Him is the only way to produce FOR Him.

We may not biologically change the world, but through Christ and the new birth, we can see future generations of Christians come from us and those we minister to. There are nations in you! Believe it, get to the house of God and see what happens!


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