When Tempted Turn to the One Who Already Passed Every Test
Genesis 38:1 (ESV) It happened at that time that Judah went down from his brothers and turned aside to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah. Genesis 38 is the chapter that appears to be out of place. We just started to get into the story of Joseph. He's on the way to Egypt and our minds are thinking about what may happen to him. Suddenly, we are encountered with this long narrative of sexual dalliance in Judah. Judah goes to the Canaanites and intermarries. He has children, two of which died, and after his wife passes, he ends up sleeping with his son's daughter because she thought she was a cult prostitute. The reality was she positioned herself perfectly to bait him into this action and then turned the tables on his hypocrisy when he found out she was pregnant. Meanwhile, as Judah is the slave of his own desires and deceit, Joseph's life will take the opposite track in the next chapter. Potiphar's wife will pursue Joseph and he will reject her citing such...