Keep Praying

Genesis 25:21 (ESV) And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren. And the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

What an immense detail we run right by in this passage. For Isaac was newly married to Rebekah at the age of 40. Eventually (and usually quickly in those days) they found out she was not able to have children. So what does Isaac do? He prays. And she conceives. Simple right?

Not so fast. 

Look at five LONG verses later:
Genesis 25:26 (ESV) Afterward his brother came out with his hand holding Esau’s heel, so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them.

That means this man prayed for 20 YEARS for his wife to conceive. Now think of his father Abraham. He would have heard the stories. How long did Abraham wait for the son of promise? He left Ur at age 75, and Isaac was born when he was 100. That's 25 years of waiting. Perhaps that helped Isaac stay devoted in prayer. 

I would suggest Isaac's prayer time of 20 years should help us stay devoted in prayer. We may pray a few times and then forget or give up. 


Secondly, I love how the scripture says Isaac prayed for his wife. This was a man of faith leading the household in seeking God. He also stayed steadfast in the plan of God for his wife. He did not give up 14 years in, or 15 years in. He was steadfast in prayer.

Thirdly, note the effectiveness of the answer. When she gave birth, twins! Not one answer to prayer, but two in one shot. 

God's timing may be hard to take at times. But it really is worth the wait. What are you praying for? Could it be that God will give you what you pray for much later than you anticipated and yet much greater than you could have dreamed?

Of course, the answer to Isaac's prayer will ultimately cause some heartache as these brothers have the feud of the ages between them. The last thing we learn is that no matter what we pray for in this life (apart for eternal salvation) it's not going to be perfect, reminding us that we are made for another place. 

May we stay steadfast in prayer for the things we desire in God.
May we not place our hope in them but rather in God. 

May we mostly stay steadfast for the salvation of those we know and love.



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