The Power of God in Us

Genesis 17:5 (ESV) No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

The significant feature of Abram's name change to Abraham is the fact that God simply added the "ha" sound to his name. This is the sound of "breath" from the Hebrew "ruah" which also means "Spirit." The name change here from Abram to Abraham was significant. As God is now humbling Abram before the task He has given him, that he might become the father of a multitude though he only has one son by human effort and not of God's promise, so too God is making a salient point for Abram to receive... 

Abram will do this, but no longer on his own power, but with the Spirit of God upon Him.

It is as if God is saying clearly, Abraham, apart from me you cannot do this, but I will join myself to you, I will be the strength in you, I will be the one who empowers you to become what I have determined for you. "You and I, Abraham, will change the world."

What is interesting is how deep into the story of Abraham this event transpires. Abraham did not have this happen before he stepped out to follow God's call. He stepped out at the voice of God long ago and only now, years into the journey is God putting His Spirit upon him. Too many Christians want the Spirit to initiate everything. This is not always the case. Abram walked out of his old life by faith and God's Spirit came upon Him to accomplish the fruit of his new life.

The same is true of the disciples. They followed Christ for 3 years. But eventually the same thing happened. While they are cowering in fear after the resurrection, they have locked the doors for fear of the Jews. It says Jesus shows up... and what does He do?

John 20:21–22 (ESV) Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

These guys had left all to follow Christ years earlier. Now from this moment, they were changed from cowering disciples to triumphant, bold and powerful men and women of God who would turn the world upside down.

You know what else is interesting? The John 20 passage is harmonious with the Luke 24 passage, for in those two chapters, the same events happen, but Luke gives us extra details as to what the Holy Spirit does for the disciples:

Luke 24:45 (ESV) Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,

This is why Peter suddenly knows what steps to take in the book of Acts. He quotes scripture like crazy from this moment forward. He preaches powerfuly from the Old Testament texts in Acts 2 and 4. He has God's Spirit within him! It is no longer Peter fearfully denying Christ to a little girl. Now it is the Peter joined to God's Power and that has made all the difference. In one sermon, you could say, Peter "gave birth" to 3000 new souls from "all nations" just as Abraham became the father of many nations in Genesis 17.

God's Spirit makes all the difference. And He never asks His people to do anything on their own power. 

If you are struggling to do what God has asked of you, ask Him for the Holy Spirit! He will give it to you. And you will be empowered to be everything you couldn't be before, for the glory of His name and the propulsion of His Kingdom. 


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