Faithful Promiser

Genesis 15:1 (ESV) After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”

One common theme of Abram's life is that every crisis ends with another promise from God. He heard God's promise after the death of his father. He heard God's promise after Lot left him for "greener pastures." And here he hears God's promise after the war to rescue his wayward nephew. God speaks to Abram after the battles, not before.

We want God to speak to us before the pain, before the problem, before the issue that we didn't expect to pop up. We want God to provide gracious providence for the troubles that await. Yet how often can we say that we don't hear God's voice before the difficulties. Then some of us may say we don't hear God's voice during the trials. Why is this so? Why doesn't Abram hear from God when all is well, before trouble comes his way in this manner or another?

Perhaps it's not that God isn't speaking. Perhaps it is that we are not listening. I mean, it is human nature since Eden to listen to almost anything but God (see the snake) when times are good. If there is one thing human history has affirmed regularly, it is that we rarely handle prosperity very well. We get pompous, arrogant and proud and rarely have time for the voice of God. 

Yet it is just like our gracious God to show up after our challenges and speak, promising His presence, power and reward like here toward Abram. Because at this moment God knows Abram is open to hearing, and God is faithful to speak. 

I imagine after this horrible war Abram may be wondering what trouble might be next. The life of faith in God has led to one challenge after another and a few failures of his own. But God hasn't given up on Abram. He tells Abram not to fear, He confirms Abram his future reward. He is the Shepherd who faithfully follows through with his worn out sheep. 

That's good to hear.



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