Developing Godly Children

Genesis 4:25–26 (ESV) And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his name Seth, for she said, “God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Abel, for Cain killed him.” 26 To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord.

Two very interesting things happen around the birth of Seth. First Adam finds his voice. Second, men begin to worship God. I think they go together.

Adam speaking here contrasts Eve naming both Cain and Abel. Seth, however is named by the man who hasn't spoken much since sin entered the world (other than to call his wife "Eve."). It would seem that Adam is doing what he was meant to do - lead his family. He is curiously absent in the sibling rivalry, and of course before that, during the first temptation. When men step back from being Godly, watch the damage that is done.

I know there are many who will disagree with me, but wherever you have men taking a Godly role of leadership in their home (not domineering but loving and caring), you have Godly children. If you look at the dying denominations of America's Church, you will see women doing the leading that men should be doing. Instead, the man is abdicating his God-given directive to rule and protect that which God entrusts to him.

It is no coincidence that when you have a young male leader who is passionate for Christ leading a church, that church typically grows.  I also remember hearing that when the Father of the home is the first to come to Christ, there's a 93% chance the rest of the family will come to know Christ. By contrast, there's only a 17% chance when the mother is the first to come to faith. I say this because the Bible seems to prove it and because I'm also the result of it.

My own conception happened soon after my Father was radically converted to Christ. My parents had a 9 and 11 year old and they were finished. But when God got a hold of my parents and especially my father, his heart changed, and I was raised in a home by a man who fulfilled his God-given role in the home. Today, I'm a Pastor and I proudly love Jesus.

Paul the Apostle is clear that the church roles of Pastor/Elder are male roles. It is not to say women are less valuable than men. It is to say they have different functions than men. Women can lead and teach and prophesy, but males must be Spiritual heads. Whenever a church loses this thrust, there are some who rejoice at the signs of "progress" but I wonder if the Lord is not grieved?

You can disagree with me, but it doesn't change the fact that more than ever, the church needs Godly men to step up and lead with a passion for what God has given him to do.

It may just lead to a world-wide transformation.


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