
Today I start in the book of Genesis. Having done the New Testament and Psalms, it seems logical.

Only one verse to begin... appropriately:
Genesis 1:1 (ESV) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Origins are significant. We ask people where they are "from." We want to know if someone is someone's father or mother. We like to find out people's "story." What brought you here? How did this family, business, industry, adventure start for you? 

Companies love to put the year of their founding after the abbreviation: "est." Lawyers and Doctors talk about practicing since "x" year. We love the STORIES of others portrayed in movies, novels and plays. Consider the rise of the prequel in the movie industry. Star Wars spent millions of dollars producing 3 mediocre movies explaining where Anakin Skywalker came from. Someone's origins gives them meaning, purpose, dimension and depth that we previously didn't understand and are richer for it. 

And once we know a person's story, it's very hard to dislike them. 

The Bible starts with the story of Creation and humanity. God began us at a definite point in history (even before dates and time was understood as we know it). The point of Genesis 1 is to remind people that they are part of a bigger story that's meaningful and beautiful and aiming somewhere!

It's part of the human instinct to want to be part of something bigger than you. 

I've read recently of the growing trend of young urban churches moving into centuries old cathedrals and attracting the next generation by the 1000s. It seems the fractionalization of the American home has left a generation without a sense of legacy and genealogy. This in turn has produced a longing to know we come from something significant and established; that we matter because we have a heritage and the torch is in our hands today. So if my family can't keep it together, perhaps a very old religious building can fill a void. Perhaps... but not likely.

The Bible's opening words tell us all we need to know: We come from God almighty.

Stop and think about that. 

You are the creation of GOD. And HE LOVES all He has made. And He has a plan for all He has made. Even bacteria has a purpose! How much more you! No, we aren't perfect and we can get to sin eventually and talk about our faults - that comes naturally too... but for just a few more moments, let's bask in the reality that we are God's idea, God's agenda, from God's ancient lineage. 

We come from Good Stalk. 

You are a person with worth and value because you are a creation of the most beautiful inventive and illustrious Being over the Universe. Let it soak in. It's okay. It's actually good for us to remember that. Families of good report in communities instruct their children accordingly, admonishing them with phrases like, "You are a member of this family, and you have a reputation to uphold." It's a badge of honor. It means take your life seriously, soberly and sincerely.

YOU have dignity as the Creation of God. And there's a certain kind of life you have been called to live. Values, rights, privileges, status, responsibilities... these are yours dear human!  Apart from God we have no idea what to do with them, but from God we have opportunity to rightly discover them and live and believe accordingly.

Let the adventure begin.


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