We Aren't But He Is

Psalm 100 calls us to joyfully sing to God for who HE is! It is fitting that the 100th Psalm be centered on God.

Psalm 100:1–2 (ESV) Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2 Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

The call to worship is a call to joyful shouting, singing and serving. How miserable some churches are. Dead and dry like the dessert. No life, no passion, no celebration. Why would anyone want to attend? Yes, there are times for solemn reflection and awe-inspired quietness. But there are also times for jubilant and noisy celebration! Make a NOISE! AMEN!

We are admonished to come into His presence with singing. Isn't God everywhere? Sure. But singing to Him brings His presence to fuller reality. It just does. Singing is opening our heart in a way standing and watching others never could. You bear your soul in the singing moment and God's presence is made real.

Psalm 100:3 (ESV) Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

The Psalm then reminds us to know some important facts. He is God, not you. He is the creator, you are the creation. He is the shepherd we are the sheep. No one is self-made and no one is self-directed. As much as we want to prove ourselves, all of us are His creation!

We don't like God telling us what to do. But He has every right. Just this one verse gives us two simple reasons: He is God. He is creator. That's enough. It's like the strong-willed child who doesn't want his parents telling him what to do. It doesn't matter. They made you and they are in charge of you. 

We are defined as His possession. That is, we are owned by Him! He takes care of His possessions! Wake up every day and know that you are not doing life alone. You are the possession of a loving Father who cares and guides and sustains! The first sin was based on a failure to believe these foundational facts.

Secondly we are defined as sheep. Sheep are very dumb animals. They need constant attention. They need direction and guidance. A simple perusal of any News Paper article will remind us of how stupid humans can be. We need a shepherd. We need to remember that we have a shepherd.

Psalm 100:4 (ESV) Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!

We are called to come to Him thankfully. We don't have to shy away from this God. He is enjoyable. He blesses and so deserves our thanks! To thank someone is to confess they gave you what you needed. When we praise and thank our God we are making a declaration we need Him.

Psalm 100:5 (ESV) For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

What is the last thing we need to know? His goodness, love and faithfulness. He never changes the fact that He loves and provides goodness for His creation.



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