Waiting for Forever

The Word "forever"is key to Psalm 89. Eight times it's used to refer to the covenant between God and David.

Psalm 89:1–4 (ESV) 1 I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. 2 For I said, “Steadfast love will be built up forever; in the heavens you will establish your faithfulness.” 3 You have said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant: 4 ‘I will establish your offspring forever, and build your throne for all generations.’ ” Selah

"Faithfulness" occurs 7 times.

Psalm 89:5–8 (ESV) Let the heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones! 6 For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord? Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord, 7 a God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones, and awesome above all who are around him? 8 O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness all around you?

We know what this Psalm is about from those numbers alone. God has faithfully committed to His King forever. That commitment was fulfilled in Christ Jesus, the Son of David and our eternal Lord, King and God.

Our God is faithful forever.
He is faithful to cause creation to work properly (verses 9/11).
He is faithful to deliver His chosen ones (verse 10).
He is faithful to His covenant (verses 19-29).
And He is faithful to DISCIPLINE His chosen people (Verses 30-33).

But the Psalmist is hoping! He's hoping the discipline of the Lord will not out live his life (Verse 47). He's asking to see God's faithfulness again in his day. Will he see it? Does he see it? We don't know. But we know that while he waited, he praised...

Psalm 89:52 (ESV) Blessed be the LORD forever! Amen and Amen.

He lives between the now and not yet of God's timing. This is where we find ourselves constantly. He speaks about how people mock him for holding out hope, how his enemies mock both him and His God.

Yet he praises!

We can feel like this Psalmist. We live between the now and not yet. We live in the faces of accusers and mockers. We live in a world rocked by sin and suffering. We live in a world of doubt. But like the Psalmist, we can look back on what has happened, remember God's covenant faithfulness and anticipate His ultimate triumph!

Blessed be the Lord FOREVER!
Amen and amen.


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