The Religion that Serves a Politician
When the Northern nation of Israel is deported into Assyria, the king of Assyria repopulates the land with exiles of other nations. This was a strategic practice of ancient kings to remove people from their land and resettle it with strangers. Why? Because gods of the ancient world were considered territorial deities. An ancient king would, therefore, consider the captive people totally powerless to rise up if he displaced them from their land. When this happens, the resettled immigrants are oblivious to Israel's laws and they suffer immediately at the hand of the Lord for their pagan ways. 2 Kings 17:25 (ESV) And at the beginning of their dwelling there, they did not fear the LORD. Therefore the LORD sent lions among them, which killed some of them. The king of Assyria decides to remedy this problem by sending a priest from Israel back to teach them how to worship the God of Israel so as to keep peace in the land. The result of this is a religiously mixed group of people who wor...