When Blessing Becomes a Problem
Solomon's aspirations for the Temple of God are admirable. He uses the best materials and the most sacred style of construction to send a message to the nation and the world that the HOUSE of the Lord deserved the highest priority. Sadly, the story of Solomon takes a sad turn just after the details of the Temple's construction are finished. Notice how the text quickly moves on to discuss Solomon's work on his own home and several others adjoining buildings for himself plus his queen's own residence in 1 Kings 7. The first hint at the problems occurs with the last verse of 1 Kings 6 and the first verse of 1 Kings 7: 1 Kings 6:38–7:1 (ESV) And in the eleventh year, in the month of Bul, which is the eighth month, the house was finished in all its parts, and according to all its specifications. He was seven years in building it. 1 Solomon was building his own house thirteen years , and he finished his entire house. There is a tendency for those who work hard...